Episode 10: How Can MSPs Keep up with the Rapidly Changing Security World?
In this week’s episode, the geeks ask how MSPs can keep up with the Rapidly Changing Security World? They delve into the most up-and-coming services available and the most recent developments within the MSP industry. They also discuss various hacks that have taken place in the last year, most famously GoDaddy and Huntress, how communication is vital when facing security issues, how open and honest conversations gain client trust, the concept of cyber protection and how consolidating down is becoming increasingly popular amongst MSPs. They discuss how consolidating services down to one vendor or company is beneficial financially and in terms of security. Listen to this episode to learn about everything you need to know about the challenges facing MSPs and how communication is key to overcoming them.
Key changes and up and coming tech within the MSP industry
How communication plays a key role in the relationship between MSPs and vendors.
The importance of owning up to your mistakes and being honest.
The most shocking security hacks of 2021.
How to know when to build a security team in-house, or create an outside partnership.
Consolidating down your security team and the benefits of doing this.
The importance of effective client communication
The best web filtering tools and vendors
The best mail security tools and vendors
The importance of a contractual agreement with clients, and having documented TandCs
Links and Resources:
Richard's Stuff:
✅ Rent Richards Brain:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_descriptionandredir_token=QUFFLUhqbG4taUYyWElEMzJsUWU3b3REc0ZCWldwVEJHQXxBQ3Jtc0tsdWZUc28tN3lYWlJYOUNmVUhxNEVtSWpXSnpXbmJONGtfY29OSldWc0hHT0ljeW9QMW40Ry1senZGMmVDQUhyRFhYU2hyYjlpTmE0VFd5UWg1WXdpRW5QRDhmc1gtUnF5dk53b3lKUzR2S0wtLVJtMAandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tubblog.co.uk%2Frrb%2F ( https://www.tubblog.co.uk/rrb/)
✅ Richard's Blog:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_descriptionandredir_token=QUFFLUhqbDFSLW5hT1hZSE1mZURKd0Q1X3hGMWFPQ0FJZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsNHpUNFZMX0lXeTFvb1R5RW80cnRuZnpHUEdnUlBpYUh6Vk90M2x1UUZINVM0c0xuMXE1R1NFOEM1cFhJdEhWV0FoNE4xdERvLXh6MHc0eVRVNTdBYkRTNTVvc2pHWWRCQlYzeHJNTFFwMFJITE5CZwandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tubblog.co.uk%2Fblog%2F ( https://www.tubblog.co.uk/blog/)
✅ Richard's Podcast:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_descriptionandredir_token=QUFFLUhqbnZsWnBib2RwQy1YWTUzakN4c3VzOTVWUkpNUXxBQ3Jtc0tsVUN1RVpCS0xxV0V1YUQ0dGZ0Ul9nb0hwYlkyWmhtbDJKd3JVYnJ5QmJxWW5NM2hVM3pmRGV3QnhhMmMteHAxcEliaW5SUXkzNG1XN1ZVenVXNEJtM3VGOERRRHI0aU40c04yQW5wRHVFSk1paUkzWQandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tubblog.co.uk%2Fpodcast%2F ( https://www.tubblog.co.uk/podcast/)
Pete's Stuff:
✅ Coaching and Mentoring:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_descriptionandredir_token=QUFFLUhqbE50VEhzUE4tVDNfOFhWSk8zMDF0Z1U3ZG05QXxBQ3Jtc0ttWlhEWXhaTlJ6S0xYV1d4RExIWlE2NmQ5TmpxTHNlQnhQUVFjQ2F6aXphc1ZWUzdCX3EyMFNZWXJ1ejJpLUhLY0JOMDFvZGZkOTJ1OXpINkJUbFVWR2o3T2g1Mk4xZ0RxSjBEbzNqLXFsU1psS19Qawandq=https%3A%2F%2Fnotabusinesscoach.com%2F ( https://notabusinesscoach.com/)
✅ Personal Youtube:https://youtube.com/petematheson ( https://youtube.com/petematheson)
✅ Not a Business Coach Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/notabusinesscoach ( https://www.youtube.com/notabusinessc...)
Scott's Stuff:
✅ Cloud Nexus:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_descriptionandredir_token=QUFFLUhqa0xWS1YwVlNHTERGQ3pydGVqY1ZyRGZQYjFGd3xBQ3Jtc0ttZ3Q0azJpdTdYcXV0SnI4cDJINkszemJETklRbU9HS2M4WmxEM0t6c2lCOTkwYTBnV1lrUXNvWnZSYmY3OVEwcl9wMDgyZFpoWmVVOVY0VGpKaGNTV1FBTWF6NHZhNlp2U3ZuZTc3OGE1enY4R2x3VQandq=https%3A%2F%2Fcloudnexus.co.uk ( https://cloudnexus.co.uk)
✅ Youtube:https://youtube.com/cloudnexus ( https://YouTube.com/cloudnexus)
In this week’s episode, the geeks ask how MSPs can keep up with the Rapidly Changing Security World? They delve into the most up-and-coming services available and the most recent developments within the MSP industry. They also discuss various hacks that have taken place in the last year, most famously GoDaddy and Huntress, how communication is vital when facing security issues, how open and honest conversations gain client trust, the concept of cyber protection and how consolidating down is becoming increasingly popular amongst MSPs. They discuss how consolidating services down to one vendor or company is beneficial financially and in terms of security. Listen to this episode to learn about everything you need to know about the challenges facing MSPs and how communication is key to overcoming them.
Key changes and up and coming tech within the MSP industry
How communication plays a key role in the relationship between MSPs and vendors.
The importance of owning up to your mistakes and being honest.
The most shocking security hacks of 2021.
How to know when to build a security team in-house, or create an outside partnership.
Consolidating down your security team and the benefits of doing this.
The importance of effective client communication
The best web filtering tools and vendors
The best mail security tools and vendors
The importance of a contractual agreement with clients, and having documented T&Cs