Episode 35: Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value
One of the most important measures used by businesses to forecast revenue potential and make strategic marketing choices is customer lifetime value (CLV).
Whether you run a nimble MSP, or a chain of locations across multiple industries, knowing how to maximize your customer lifetime value will help your team boost income by investing in the clients who are most likely to generate profits over the long term.
Join Pete, Scott, Andrew and Richard as they discuss tried-and-true, profitable tactics to maximize customer lifetime value. But first they talk about what it is, why it's important, and how to calculate it.
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Richard's Stuff:
✅ Rent Richards Brain: https://www.tubblog.co.uk/rrb/
✅ Richard's Blog: https://www.tubblog.co.uk/blog/
✅ Richard's Podcast: https://www.tubblog.co.uk/podcast/
Pete's Stuff:
✅ Coaching & Mentoring: https://notabusinesscoach.com/
✅ Personal Youtube: https://youtube.com/petematheson
✅ Not a Business Coach Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/notabusinessc...
Scott's Stuff:
✅ Cloud Nexus: https://cloudnexus.co.uk
✅ Youtube: https://YouTube.com/cloudnexus
✅ LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/scottriley76
Andrew's Stuff:
✅ Coaching & Mentoring: https://www.orangenomad.com/
✅ Orange Nomad Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/OrangeNomad
✅ LinkedIn: https://www.orangenomad.com/linkedin