Episode 36: Ways To Reduce Customer Support Costs
Running a Help Desk is more than just a cost center.
Customer service emerges as the primary differentiator driving MSP success as competition and customer expectations rise.
The finest customer experience does not require extravagant spending.
Over time, a lack of cost-effectiveness can stunt the expansion of your MSP, or worse, put you out of business all together.
Cutting costs does not imply sacrificing quality.
It is the sweet spot where you can deliver a better experience without reducing resources by increasing the efficiency of the already available resources.
How can client support costs be decreased without sacrificing a high level of service?
Join us on this week's show as we share some practical and creative ways to turn your Help Desk into the unique differentiator for your MSP.
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Pete's Stuff:
✅ Coaching & Mentoring: https://notabusinesscoach.com/
✅ Personal Youtube: https://youtube.com/petematheson
✅ Not a Business Coach Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/notabusinessc...
Scott's Stuff:
✅ Cloud Nexus: https://cloudnexus.co.uk
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✅ LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/scottriley76
Andrew's Stuff:
✅ Coaching & Mentoring: https://www.orangenomad.com/
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✅ LinkedIn: https://www.orangenomad.com