Episode 42: How Will AI Affect The MSP Industry
AI adoption is a hot topic. Here's how it can impact your MSP business and IT environments around the globe.
Join Pete, Scott, Richard, and Andrew for an insightful conversation about the use cases of AI and some forward-thinking ideas to accelerate your IT business.
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Richard's Stuff:
✅ Richards Weekly MSP Insights: https://www.tubblog.co.uk/nl
✅ Richard's Blog: https://www.tubblog.co.uk/blog/
✅ Richard's Podcast: https://www.tubblog.co.uk/podcast/
Pete's Stuff:
✅ Coaching & Mentoring: https://notabusinesscoach.com/
✅ Personal Youtube: https://youtube.com/petematheson
✅ Not a Business Coach Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/notabusinessc...
Scott's Stuff:
✅ Cloud Nexus: https://cloudnexus.co.uk
✅ Youtube: https://YouTube.com/cloudnexus
✅ LinkedIn: https://LinkedIn.com/in/scottriley76
Andrew's Stuff:
✅ Coaching & Mentoring: https://www.orangenomad.com/
✅ Orange Nomad Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/OrangeNomad
✅ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewmoonorangenomad/