Episode 42: How Will AI Affect The MSP Industry
Andrew Moon: you believe
it's February already?
Guys, we've blown through
an entire month of 2023
Pete Matheson: Woo.
Andrew Moon: Absolutely crazy, man.
It, it literally feels like
last week was New Year's.
Pete Matheson: who's
still going to the gym?
Andrew Moon: Is it empty?
You you'll have to let us know,
Pete, is it, is it empty now?
Have people given up on
their New Year's resolutions
Pete Matheson: I dunno, the last
time I went to the gym in prime
time, it was Ramed and I gave up.
So I came back at like
10 o'clock at night.
Andrew Moon: awesome.
Good to have you guys with us this week.
Uh, welcome, Theo, now is tuning
in from YouTube land from Sunny uk.
It's freezing over here.
Uh, winter came back for a
unexpected visit this week.
So do what we're gonna do.
So those of you tuning in on
LinkedIn, I wanted to give you
an update on LinkedIn comments.
I'll give you guys an update too.
Uh, LinkedIn is actually rethinking,
uh, the use of third party
vendors for the comments api.
So that is the latest update
they gave E cam last week,
right before the launch of 4.0.
So it's possible, it's possible
that some who have access to the.
LinkedIn comments may lose it.
So we'll see.
Uh, it's due to privacy
Pete Matheson: this like a choice
situation where they kinda disable it
internally and then tell people a week
later they've actually changed their
mind and don't wanna do it anymore?
Andrew Moon: exactly, I think we'll
see a good uprising, hopefully, but,
um, they claim it's privacy issues,
which I do kind of understand.
Um, but yeah, we'll see.
Richard Tubb: Man, we started last
week's episode going Microsoft,
Andrew Moon: I know, right,
Richard Tubb: the same thing,
Andrew Moon: I'm, I'm monitoring
the comments from LinkedIn, so if
you're tuning in from LinkedIn, go
ahead and drop a, a comment in there.
I've kind of done a workaround so we
can bring those comments up on screen.
So, um, but yes, welcome Theo tuning in
today and anybody else live, let us know
where you're tuning in from as well.
We're gonna be talking about all
things artificial intelligence, and
I gotta bust out the robot voice.
We're gonna be talking about all
things artificial intelligence.
You know, I gotta play with the road.
Richard Tubb: All day just making crank,
cut phone calls to people with it.
That's brilliant.
I'll be finding Scott and Pete
all the time with that voice.
Andrew Moon: It's funny what
you can do with that thing.
I got, you know, chipmunk in a tunnel,
you know, so with the sensor button,
I was, I was thinking of some ways
of creating some animated stuff.
with the road caster.
So, uh, tune in.
It'll get, it'll get fun here shortly.
Uh, OE uh, en Gaza is tuning
in from Brooklyn, New York.
Welcome Oe, uh, to the show today.
He's catching us live today.
Glad to have you with us.
So, I'm curious too, we'll
throw the question out before
we jump into the discussion.
Are you using any type of artificial
intelligence in your msp, whether
that's chat, G P T, or any type
of artificial intelligence tools?
Drop those in the comments.
And which ones are you using?
I like to see which ones people are using.
So cuz I've actually found people
have shared like two or three others
that I had never heard of and I'm,
I'm like, okay, we'll try those out.
So, but yeah, we're gonna talk, talking
about all things artificial diligence.
Uh, this week we've, it's all over.
I don't think we've gone, I don't,
I can't go a day now without
pulling up LinkedIn and there's some
type of AI conversation going on.
So welcome Tony Edwards to the show.
A Theo says he has not used any type
of AI yet, so I figure what we do is
just talk about use cases for it where
we see any type of impact in an MSP
space, um, with AI and all the tools.
Like I said, I think we are just breaking
loose with what is possible with ai.
So I'm gonna throw this
out to the discussion.
Whoever wants to start this one,
Richard Tubb: Yeah, go for it.
Pete Matheson: start it.
Scott Riley: I've got some
beautiful use cases after Pete
goes, if that's all right.
Andrew Moon: Pete's gonna get us
started, especially since he spent
a week in artificial intelligence.
Pete Matheson: I was gonna say, I think
the, the best use cases, and this is
chat with G P T cuz that's obviously
the bigger thing that's, you know,
going around at the moment, um, has been
where people want to say something but
they, they don't know how to say it.
It's been really, really good and I've
seen people in my Discord group, um,
use it to write up things like, um,
yeah, price increase letters and just
notifying customers about certain things.
And, um, I even used it the
other night cause I was trying
to figure out how to communicate.
I was changing my schedules and with
my, my coaching sessions cause I'm
trying to reorganize my life yet again.
And, um, I couldn't
figure out how to word it.
And I literally, I, I logged onto
chat G P T and I literally went.
This is what I used to
do with my coaching.
This is what I'd like to do.
Can you write an email to
my clients explaining how
that change is gonna happen?
And like, two seconds later, boom.
It's given me a, like a really nicely
worded, polite email, um, professional
email that I, I didn't take it word
for word, but I kind of used maybe
60 to 80% of it and then changed it.
Um, but just use cases like that I see
as being fantastic cuz it's know, I, I
always used to um, get told when I ran
my MSP that I was a very good at writing
emails, you know, I was a very good
email composer or whatever that might be.
Cuz I like having time.
I can sit back and figure out, you know,
what it needs to say and which order and
strip out all the rubbish that's in there.
Whereas now you can just throw it
into chat G P T and it just gives you
pretty much the exact same message
within like a couple of minutes.
So I think that's definitely been
the, the, the biggest and best
case of it that I've seen so far in
like the day-to-day kind of world.
Um, and of course we know we'll
get on some more automations
within like, uh, ticketing tools
and PSA and RM and those kind of
things, but I think that's a great.
Starting points.
Um, in terms of the, the automation, you
can also use it to generate documents
and I, I've seen legal documents
be created through chat, G p T.
Not quite sure how I feel
about using one of those.
I feel that's a very dangerous thing to
do, . Um, but it's better than nothing.
I, I guess I, yeah, I, I don't, I
wouldn't feel comfortable personally,
but I've seen people do it.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, for sure.
Richard Tubb: That's what
it boils down to, isn't it?
That idea?
Is it better than nothing?
So I think for a lot of MSPs
watching can see, uh, where was it?
Uh, John from Westway.
It said it can write a far better than me.
We touched upon this last
week though, didn't we?
We were saying, you know, chat G p T,
and if anybody's not come across chat,
G P T, and there's a slew of these
type of applications out there now,
you know, you can ask it a question,
you can ask it to write a document.
You can ask it what the meaning
of life is, and it will like,
it will instantly come back and,
and tell you about these things.
But I think the point is it
turns out something that's.
You know, it's fact, it's like a,
um, an expanded version of Google.
It's gonna come back with all of the
information that it pulls together.
It's gonna give you that document.
So for MSP you say we're maybe using it
for, to create blog posts to marketing it.
It's gonna be better than nothing.
But I still, you know, the technology's
not there yet to actually produce
something that you go, wow, that
is, you know, absolutely perfect.
Just what I need to use.
So there still needs to be
human intervention in it.
And my biggest fear, AI for the marketing
perspective and content generation is
that it's just gonna produce a load
of average crap that goes out there.
And my God, we're all suffering
from content fatigue as it is.
We don't need the robots , you know,
throwing stuff out there as well.
Uh, but I think we're gonna get
on a little bit later, aren't we,
to the automation that can be used
within the MSP business, but in the
first instance and what has come to
people's minds with AI is, yeah, I
can get it to do my marketing for me
cuz I'm not that comfortable with it.
I wouldn't hand the, uh, keys
to my marketing office across
to chat g p t just yet though
Andrew Moon: Yeah, for sure.
Uh, so I'm gonna welcome a couple
people to the show and then we're
gonna to, uh, turn it over to Scott.
So welcome Christopher Rickford.
I think this might be his
first time catching the show.
Scott Riley: He's in Jamaica.
Andrew Moon: he's in I know, right?
I'm like, I exactly what I read that.
I'm like, oh, I'm super
Richard Tubb: we were all saying how
cold we were just before coming on air.
I'm guessing Christopher
doesn't have that problem
Andrew Moon: I don't think
he's got that problem today.
For sure.
So Scott, what do you think, uh,
you think, you know, what are your,
what is your hot take on AI so far?
Scott Riley: Oh, I am, I'm having
a lot of fun with this stuff.
Um, let me, can I, can I share screen?
Is that okay?
I've got some great
Andrew Moon: Yeah, let's go ahead here.
Scott Riley: t, uh, I will
share a tab, which is this one.
Uh, you let me know when you can see it
cuz I lose you guys when it comes up.
Pete Matheson: Not yet.
Andrew Moon: Okay.
Scott Riley: Thinking about it.
Andrew Moon: Just gimme a second.
I'm gonna switch video source to
Scott Riley: Okay.
Andrew Moon: Scott's screen.
Scott Riley: There we go.
Richard Tubb: can.
Andrew Moon: boom.
Scott Riley: All right.
So first, first humorous example.
Um, I asked it to write a HR policy about
not bringing smelly food into the office.
Um, now, This, this is because Ben
was bringing in some real stinky
food, and so we had to have a word.
Um, but like, you can see actually
like it, it stages out really nicely.
Here's an introduction.
We, we want a comfortable and productive
work environment for all employees.
This could be a distraction.
So here's the policy, here are some
exceptions, here are some consequences.
Um, and you're like,
actually that's not terrible.
You know?
And he even gave you some examples of
fish and strong cheeses and spicy foods
or any other thing that has a strong
goer that may linger in the office.
Oh, okay.
From a joke.
I'm actually like, that's,
that's not a terrible policy.
So if you were trying to get some
inspiration for policies that you needed
to bring up, maybe not smelly food, but
this is a good starting point and I'm, and
I'm gonna keep referring to it like that.
It's a starting point.
It's, you know, it's a good
place to start on things.
So some soft stuff.
Um, what are the recommended 365
security settings for SMB organizations?
Well, this is great.
This is like a nice little one page,
uh, you know, cheat sheet or a nice,
you know, introduction in one of
your, uh, proposals or a presentation,
maybe just a checklist that you want
to go through with some clients.
It, it actually comes out and
says, Hey, here are some of the
recommended security settings.
I'm not gonna read them to
you, but this is all correct.
Um, you know, again, it's a
great starting point for you to
get some nice things together.
Um, again, at the bottom it says,
Hey, these are not, these are
just some, it's not all of them.
It's definitely recommended to
speak to your MSP or your IT
partner to chat this through.
Um, write a friendly email message
to go with an employee pay slip.
Why not?
Um, now this is where it gets
interesting because Pete, you made
a video, um, that was about 10 ways.
The, uh, iPhone 14 PRO was not
as good as the S 22 Ultra, and I
couldn't be bothered to watch it.
Um, so I took the transcript
from your 10 minute video.
And I took all of the transcript and
I literally just said, summarize,
and then I pasted in the transcript.
So here's all the words that you said.
Sorry, Pete, I didn't have 10 minutes.
I love you.
Um, and, and here are all your words.
And I said, summarize that for me.
Lord's still going, still going.
Here we go.
And this is it in this comparison
between the S 22 Ultra and
the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max.
The S 22 Ultra comes out ahead in
several ways and here are the ways.
And I was like, that's interesting.
I'd like to know a bit more.
So you just type continue
and then it goes, cool.
Well, yeah, here's some more information
that I dug out from that transcript.
Now the way I've seen this used, I mean
that, that's great just for summarizing
some YouTube stuff, but I've also
seen that used in teams meetings.
Now people are suggesting take the
transcript from the teams meeting and you
can use that as a summary of the meeting.
You could also ask it what actions came
up in this transcript and it'll pull
out things that sound like actions.
So again, really interesting.
Um, what else did I have?
Okay, so this is my, um,
issue that I have with it.
It's not always correct.
You've gotta bear in mind
the data set came from 2021.
So you can't take it at face value.
You have to sanity check everything.
I asked it here is Azure AD premium P
one included in this licensed business
premium and it said no bloody body blah.
Tells me why.
I've actually told it that is incorrect
as Azure AD premium P one is included.
Oh, okay.
I apologize.
You are correct.
It is included.
So when I ask it the next time,
Yes, it's included and here are all
the other things that it includes.
This is my point though.
You cannot, this isn't, you know,
I know people are looking at it as
a nice way to Google, or a nice way
to get some quick stuff together,
but it's not always correct.
You have to do your fact checking.
And that's why I'm looking at
this as a great place to start.
Um, I've got one other example to
show you and then I'll, I'll shut
up for a bit and hopefully this
has just caused some inspiration.
Um, blah, blah, blah.
Let's say you're not great at PowerShell,
but you know, there's something you
need to do in PowerShell, and this
could be great for your level one text.
Um, okay, so I've asked it to
write a PowerShell script for
Office 365 online, which lists all
users who have an archive mailbox.
That is something we might get asked,
um, and you might want to check, and it
will go through and it'll say, Hey, right
here, here is your PowerShell script.
It actually writes it in a script box and
it gives you the button button to copy
the code and go ahead and paste it in.
And this is a functional script.
It will, it will do what I asked it to do.
And it took about two seconds to do that.
And again, this is.
Definitely something you could
Google, definitely something you
could find on Microsoft Learn.
But actually just asking it in plain
text and getting the exact answer
that I wanted was really helpful.
Um, my only issue with this is that
it's using a legacy authentication
method here, but I could have stipulated
use modern authentication I guess.
But look at that.
It's got ahead and got me a PowerShell
script that will work within minutes
for exactly what I asked it to do.
So those, those are some of my examples.
The only other example I have, um,
is that I also ask it to write short
stories about two characters that,
uh, me and the kids have come up with.
Um, and so we, we we ask it
to two stories for bedtime
Andrew Moon: Now that is an interesting
Scott Riley: and it's not bad.
It's not bad
Richard Tubb: That's amazing, Scott.
Andrew Moon: no, so definite,
just interesting use cases there.
Pete Matheson: The, um, the checking
it over to make sure it it's correct
thing is definitely a valid point.
One of my, um, one of my coaching
clients and, and a guy in my discord,
he was writing things like, uh, yeah,
write me a script that can do this.
And I think it was something along the
lines of like, um, grab a list of my
customer's domains, check their expiry
dates, and then do something with them.
And the script it gave them was.
Except it very topics like import module
and it named a module that didn't exist.
So had it, it created it out of thin air.
But had that module exist, then the
script would've worked just fine.
But it's, yeah, it does make certain
assumptions a lot of the time.
I understand.
Scott Riley: Well, and it's, it's
a year out of date at least, well,
sorry, two years out of date,
potentially based on the dataset.
So once chat, g p t four comes along,
when that's released, then it'll have
a more up-to-date data set, I assume.
Um, and so you might get some more
relevant information, but I think for
like, some of the things that I've seen
people do say, Hey, give me 10 blog post
ideas about, you know, 365 security.
I'll, I'll stay in my lane.
Um, gimme, gimme 10 ideas, gimme 10
titles, give me 10 YouTube video names
that are exciting and, and, and, you
know, you can put the emotion in that you
want to grab, and it will, it will come
back and suggest 10 different things.
You can say, here's my YouTube
video, uh, and here's the title.
Give me 10 exciting variants of that.
Oh, there you go, Pete.
I can see.
Andrew Moon: Here, let me zoom in
Pete Matheson: the one
just there actually.
I was, um, with my, with my watch
test I'm doing at the moment.
Um, I'm testing the durability of
these three watches in a video.
Give me 20 viral video titles
under 50 characters for that video.
Bang, tons of ideas.
So yeah, that's, that's a very,
very good way of coming up with, uh,
marketing ideas, titles for blog posts,
articles, all that kind of stuff.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, for sure.
Scott Riley: Yeah, but I'd say everything,
everything needs to be checked, right?
You've, you've got to apply
the human element to this.
I think, you know, you can, you can
start to become very good, prompt
writers for this stuff, but you, you
need to sanity check it afterwards.
You can't just take it and dump
it online or, or as, uh, as
we're getting in the comments.
You can't just take that script and
dump it into your live environment.
You have to check everything.
Andrew Moon: Yeah,
Richard Tubb: The interesting
thing about this, cuz there's some
technologies out there now, isn't there?
We've, we've heard about deep fakes
and things of that nature, and Pete,
this is probably more in your lane, but
I've seen people talking about, okay,
you can get chat G p t or something
similar to create, uh, a script.
You can then get, uh, AI tools
to create a really winning, uh,
SEO friendly YouTube video title.
Uh, you can then get an AI to actually
deliver the script to camera for you.
Now, , you've probably seen this,
haven't you, coming around there.
So think about this.
This is getting to the crazy situation
where you could outsource the whole
thing to a virtual assistant and then
you wouldn't have to do any of the
work whatsoever, and you could probably
generate advertising revenue on YouTube.
So all of that in theory sounds
really interesting in practice.
I think what you'll find.
Again, we'll just have a ton
of really average videos being
pumped out there automated.
And that, so I think that, you know,
for all MSPs watching that you're
thinking is, is this actually gonna take
away, you know, some of my, uh, job?
No, because what we can speak about
and what we're doing in this show
here is speaking from our personal
experience, and that's something a
computer AI can't really replicate.
Maybe at some point it will be able to,
but right as it stands right now, yet
it can do everything that we can do,
but not nearly as good as us because
it hasn't got the human element.
And I say that as an AI officio.
I, you know, I truly
believe the future of this.
We're, we're heading for a sort of
Star Trek future where we spend all
of our time doing things that we enjoy
doing as opposed to the drudgery.
Um, but at the moment
it's not quite there.
But Pete, have you come across that
sort of concept that I just suggested?
Pete Matheson: Uh, I have indeed.
I was just trying to find it here.
So I actually, um, was sponsored
a while ago with Synthia,
Scott Riley: Oh, Cynthia.
Pete Matheson: an a, an AI app.
I am trying to find it here that at the
very beginning I think that that's, and
only literally it's a couple years old
now, but that's an AI version of me.
Um, which the voice wasn't the same, was
the only main issue, but they use it to,
um, you basically sit down, you read a
script in front of a green screen so they
can kind of get some of your mannerisms
and your movements and, and track
your, your, your face and everything.
But you can literally go in here, type
in, like you were saying, type in the
words you want it to say, pick the
voice, pick the language, and it'll
give you an ai, be, uh, you know, an
AI video with me speaking in whatever
foreign language it might be needed.
And they actually used this, um, it was
David Beckham, um, did a, I think it must
have been in a TV ad, uh, a while ago.
And they used that technology,
synthe, I think they were onsite
with them to make David Beckham
speak like 20 different languages.
but to the stage where obviously
he kept his face but they were
just kind of doing the AI bit,
the clever bit around his mouth.
So it, it made the right movements
to say the right words and it looks
so, so real, like incredibly real.
Cuz they obviously spent a lot more
time trying to get that to look good.
Um, but you are, you are quite right.
There's the whole kind of, yeah,
the, the deep fake staff, the AI
technology, the voice I think is gonna
be coming very, very soon as well.
So the, um, you know, there's
already systems out there.
You can train with your own voice and
they'll then speak with your voice.
So it's only gonna be a matter of
time when all of this kind of merges
together and uh, yeah, it, it be, it
becomes a, a problem for us humans.
Andrew Moon: Yeah,
Richard Tubb: Did every this week
Andrew Moon: that right now, so,
Richard Tubb: a practical application
of AI that I saw this week, or
machine learning at least, was, uh,
has anybody seen the latest NVIDIA
broadcast, uh, update, uh, where
it can actually readjust your eyes?
So we can see, everybody can see,
like I'm speaking to you on camera
now, but let's just say if I've got
a script or I'm speaking to Scott and
Andrew, like my face goes off a little
bit here and you can see where my
eyes are going, um, well, it actually
follows your eyes and readjust them.
So you're looking at the camera
and if you look completely away, of
course it knows what to do there.
But, uh, you know, I tried it and it does
it to a quite a decent level already.
Uh, so those are the
Pete Matheson: though when you sat
there with like a mobile phone and
the eyes are staring at the screen.
It looks really odd.
Andrew Moon: It
Richard Tubb: we're stage that old
Pete Matheson: guy doing this
as well, it's like doing that
Richard Tubb: have you in art
gallery and matter where in the art
gallery you go with the portrait,
the eyes are following you.
Andrew Moon: Yep.
John, thank you for joining us today.
We appreciate that.
He had a question.
Has anybody managed to get
into chat G two b chat g b T?
Every time I try, I can't
get into the servers, so
Pete Matheson: Yes.
It's normally about 10:00 PM at night here
in the UK that it starts working for me.
Andrew Moon: yeah,
Scott Riley: Oh, I, I don't
have much trouble getting in.
I know it, uh, it, it tells you.
Hey, we're busy, but then I'll just
like refresh a few times and then I'll,
I'll get through to the login screen.
So it hasn't been bad for me to
get in on the, the few occasions.
I mean, I'm, I've literally logged
in live just before this session
so I could show you those, uh,
examples that we've done before.
And again, as you know, as I was trying to
log in, says, Hey, we're busy, you know,
come back or notify me when it's free.
I don't do that.
I just like delete the url.
Go again, give it a couple
of minutes and I'll get in.
Um, but it, it does seem to work.
I, I hear John, um, there is a lot of
talk around the premium version of chat
G P T that they're proposing to launch.
Again, the rumor mill is saying
it's kind of $42 a month, um, which
I genuinely think is, is a bargain
honestly, given, given what it can do.
And if you've got access
to chat, G p T four.
I think, you know, I think it'll be a
great part of the toolkit that we can
learn to leverage in a really good way.
Cuz again, a lot of the stuff
that our techs do, certainly in
Service Desk is a huge amount of
Googling, you know, how do I do this?
How do I do that?
How can I fix this?
How can I fix that?
If it's got that intelligence where
we've got, um, you know, the ability to
get fresh data and get fresh answers to
results and give me a way to resolve this.
Um, I've, I've seen some great steps where
people said, Hey, you know, you know, a
computer is having this kind of issue.
What should I check first?
And it kinda goes, bong B, b
bong, bong, you know, that's cool.
You know, that, that's giving
those level one tech guys some
kind of checklist to run through.
If you don't already have something
like that in your standard
operating procedures, it's
giving them some stuff to check.
But again, I'd still maybe like your
service manager to run through that, those
sets of questions and see if it is coming
back with the right kind of answers.
You know, if it's coming back you
saying, Hey, I'm having this problem
on this Windows pc, and it goes great.
Yeah, if you press command and space and
then search for this, you're like, no, no.
That's on a Mac, that's
not gonna work here.
Um, but I, I do genuinely think
it's, this is super exciting.
There's some really good,
you know, launchpad, comment,
uh, content that's in there.
Um, there's a couple of GitHub
repositories that have jumped up with
great chat G p T prompts, um, which
are well worth looking at as well.
And so you can kind of get some
great examples of how to, how to
really use the tool effectively.
Um, cuz I think it's, you know,
it's, it's, it's, it's a really good
tool, but as I say, it's a tool.
It's a starting point.
Its work , definitely check its work.
Richard Tubb: Before we move on to the
serious applications of the tools, there's
one other I've gotta throw at here.
So, has anybody tried Dali?
So d a double l, h e
Scott Riley: I've done mid journey,
Pete Matheson: of these AI things, I don't
wanna give my, give my information too.
I don't wanna upload
photos of me to, to them.
It's just, I've avoided that.
Richard Tubb: exactly right.
And you've just hit, so for anybody who's
not familiar with Dar Darley, think of
chat, g p t, but for images, so, you know,
while we've been on air here, I've been,
uh, saying to Darley, I was like, uh,
domi, uh, a picture of the world's coolest
IT administrator playing cards with
Elvis Presley, and like, this is all like
really foolish stuff there, but it, it, it
produces some incredible, unique images.
So I can actually see a
practical application for this.
Have you ever gone to a website
and they're using stock images
and you're like, Ugh, you know,
uh, just turned off immediately.
Well, Dali could actually produce
some sort of images using.
Your own, uh, photographs and things
of you in different situations, you
know, perhaps what would it look like?
Scott Riley speaking to a client on
the top floor of the Eiffel Tower.
I dunno why that would happen, but it,
uh, Dali will make it happen to you.
Um, but Pete, to your point,
everybody's jumping into these things
and giving their information away.
But just like Facebook, if
you're not paying for the
product, you are the product.
And, uh, you know, I think around
Christmas didn't, everybody jumped in and
got AI generated versions of themselves.
Um, but I, I, I haven't read the, the
terms and conditions, but I'm pretty
sure that most people who did that have
now allow, allowed those AI companies
to use their sort of facial images in
their own marketing material at best.
And perhaps other stuff.
Andrew Moon: Yeah.
Richard Tubb: gotta be
aware of the privacy.
Andrew Moon: Yeah.
A lot of people did Lens, which
I think, is it just iPhone
or is it Android as well?
The Lens app.
Scott Riley: I think it was just iPhone.
I think I was gonna try it and
I was on, I was on Android and
I couldn't, I couldn't do it.
I think.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, that was the other one.
I, I went through that and it
just kind of got thrown up by
a couple security experts too.
If you read the fine print
of the terms of service.
Yeah, they own, they own the
right to license your images, so
you're giving that right away.
So just a thought.
Just a thought.
So lots coming in now.
Scott Riley: Mid Journey.
So mid journeys like, uh,
not a competitor, but it's
a similar tool to Dali.
Um, and again, it's,
it's quite hit and miss.
It's, it's a strange way to do things
cause everything's done through,
um, a Discord server instead.
So you literally just, uh, message the,
the mid journey bot and you say imagine,
uh, then you give it a whole series of
keywords, um, and then you wait and it'll
sit there and then it'll send you back a
message of four suggested images and you
can tell it, Hey, I really like that one.
Gimme an upscaled version
of that suggestion.
Um, or can you just iterate this
one a little bit better for me?
Um, and you see it like people are using
it for, for stock image, uh, generation.
They're using it for logo,
generational logo inspiration.
And you just like, cuz you're in a,
a, um, a group with everyone else
who's also asking the questions.
And so you're just getting all the other
content that they're generating like
every single second so you can really see
what people are starting to use it for.
Um, and again, I think.
, you know, tools like this
are, are, are fantastic.
To get that kind of inspiration, I
wouldn't, I don't think I'd take a
logo that it had generated, but I
would maybe take that and go, okay,
do you know, I really like what it
did with this piece and this piece.
I really like the way it's done.
We could use that for some, you
know, almost like a mood board,
you know, for the inspiration for
what you're gonna do for something.
Um, but yet Richard, you know, I,
I like your suggestion of like that
stock image, you know, kind of idea.
There's, there's too much
stock nonsense on, on websites,
especially M s P websites.
We're, we're all really
bad at it, genuinely.
Uh, and taking the time out to get
your team to have a professional photo
shoot can be, can be difficult, right?
Every, everyone's busy so.
If you can generate some images
that are you and, and represent your
personality and your brand really
well, and you might need to, you
know, Photoshop them a bit later.
I think some of the comments have
said, Hey, it's, it's hard to get
text to appear on those images.
You, you're absolutely right.
Um, but again, if you get to create the
background image, then you could just
quickly layer the, the text on top.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know?
Andrew Moon: Yeah.
So we, we've seen that, uh, Christopher
said, so I guess the, the first use
case for a lot of people is using
it to, to act as their personal
assistant doing copywriting.
I think that's, that was kind of a, a
quick hit there for pretty much everybody.
There was, let me just
going through the comments.
I, we got lots of comments today.
I figured this would
be a good topic today.
Richard Tubb: Uh, are they comments
from real people or are they AI
generated comments from people who
have set their bot to the webinar and
then give them a summary of it later?
Andrew Moon: well, I think if
the bots were here, we'd be
seeing some, some porn spam.
So they have to throw that in there.
So, uh, let's see here.
Who else was, somebody else
was using that, so, so that was
the first use case I think for.
Help videos was another one.
So let's talk about like kind of
some of the other use cases for MSPs.
Richard Tubb: what Dan, Dan Bird said.
He says he, uh, legend from
the TE tribe, Dan Ber there.
He says, I really like using chat
G P T to get me started building
out standard operating procedures.
Very effective.
That's a really powerful, uh, way to
get started because so many MSPs I
speak to when I say, when, you know,
I talk about systemizing, documenting
a business, getting information out of
your head, and they go where to start.
And it's like, well, you start with
what you're doing, but actually if you
need that little bit of a push or an
example of what a good s so p might
look like, or even average s o p, uh,
I think that's a really good use of,
uh, of using the technology there.
Andrew Moon: yeah, for sure.
I'm trying to look up
through a couple other ones.
Uh, Jack Fisher.
Good to have you with us today.
He said, I think using it to help with
ticket dispatch rolls could be, So how do,
how do you guys see that playing in and
are there tools that allow that right now?
Richard Tubb: Yeah, I think it's
just around the corner, isn't it?
Scott Riley: It, it really feels like it.
I've heard a lot of discussion about it.
Or people have built their own
integrations, um, to kind of bounce
ticket requests in through a chat
g p t engine to then go like, which
person, which team, what's the problem a
actually, is there a recommended solution
immediately that we can go back with?
Um, and so they're asking those
questions through the Jap G P T engine.
Um, and the feedback is, you know,
it's, it's like having a first line
tech who's got maybe one or two
years experience is the, is the type
of answers that are coming back.
Again, bear in mind that it's a year
out of date with its so, you know, once,
two years out date with this data set.
But for a lot of those common
queries that're having some
success with passing it out.
getting the response back and then
using a human to then go, okay,
I, I know what the next step would
be, you know, with this ticket.
Um, interestingly I saw Adam,
Adam Vos, uh, absolute legend.
Um, he was saying that they're
looking at how to give their
customers a way to do that for
self-help, and I think that's great.
Again, same idea.
You know, maybe you, you're gonna take
the inbound request from the customer.
Hey, the printer's not printing, or,
Hey, you know, my word's not wording.
Whatever, whatever the question is, pass
it through chat, g p t and come out with,
give me a list of suggested things to try
first and then bounce it back to go, Hey,
can you just try these things for me?
And then if, if you're still in the same
situation, we'll, we'll jump right on.
Obviously your SLAs and, and your
relationship with your client, it's
up to you how you wanna handle that.
Um, it might be, as I say, that
you pass it through and you give
it to the operator and, and, and
they've got, this is the challenge.
Here are some recommended solutions.
Get on the phone and you're like,
oh, well, you've got a springboard
for that guy to really get into
what the, the, the problem might be.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, Vince
Fork had the same question.
He said, how can we enable AI and which
one to help him, help desk functions
and to speed up problem resolutions.
He's in
Richard Tubb: Well,
Andrew Moon: so thank you,
Richard Tubb: that's already
here already, isn't it?
Our friends across at Super Ops ai,
you know, they're building this tool
that, that does intelligent tickets,
um, rooting, uh, for one of a better
words there, where it'll look at the
ticket, it'll, uh, a root it to the
right person, and that could, the right
person could be by skill or it could
be by resources available at the time
and, and for your, you know, this is
why getting on my soapbox a little bit
here, guys, but I, I talk about, I'm a
big fan of the tools and solutions that
are coming, uh, you know, down the road.
That positively disrupt our industry.
So think about the PSA tools and the
RM tools that we've got at the moment.
They do a good job.
No two ways about that.
But they feel stale, don't they?
Because we've, we've still got engineers
resetting passwords, we've still got
tickets, uh, we've still got engineers,
um, enabling them to cherry pick the
tool, the tickets that they want to do.
And for every MSP owner knows the
situation where a ticket has got
stale because none of your team want
to touch it cuz it's either boring
or outside their comfort level.
We've all been there, we all do it.
So we've, you know, and that's
where, um, uh, dispatchers come in.
You know, somebody will
give the ticket somebody.
But the AI based application of
this, that Super Ops are doing,
I think is like revolutionary.
And this is where the real wins are
gonna come for MSPs, making sure a
ticket goes to somebody who's got the
skills and all the resources to do it.
Everything's gonna speed
up and get a lot better.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, that's
Pete Matheson: I think we're
Andrew Moon: same thing.
Have it review tickets.
That sounds awesome.
For Nimble MSPs, an extra edge for
Pete Matheson: I think we're
literally just around the corner
from it because it's, I mean, the,
the chat, g p t technology's there.
All it needs to do is essentially,
you know, see the ticket coming in.
Identify what type of ticket it is.
And then, um, we were chatting about
a, a little bit earlier, but there's,
um, Pia, um, who are doing some kind
of integrations with, you know, very
heavy power show scripts, which will,
I think it's almost like the, the Mr.
Clippy, it looks like
you're creating a new user.
Would you like some help with that?
Richard Tubb: It looks like you
merging through active directory trees.
Would you like me to?
No, no way.
Pete Matheson: it does
like everything for you.
And I feel like there's just
that missing link now of find
the ticket as it comes in.
That's something I can deal with.
You know, for a password reset.
Ticket is, um, coming in saying,
please, I need, you know, please
can you reset my password?
It finds the user, it resets their
password, it sends 'em an email back
to let them know it's being changed
and to call the help desk to get
the password and then it closes the
ticket or, or something like that.
That seems like a, a no-brainer.
That shouldn't be too far off.
I don't think.
It's just wasting for the right
people to integrate the right kind of.
Richard Tubb: I think it'll be a case
of we've, we've mentioned like Super Ops
and, and that they've got native tools
to do that because they've essentially
been very smart and built a modern
platform based on AI machine learning.
So that's gonna come to those MSPs
that are using it almost immediately.
You know, you can use it now and it's only
gonna get better for the likes of use.
People who are using Legacy
or well-established PSA tools.
I think the root there is
exactly what you've said, Pete.
They're gonna look at some of these,
uh, new companies that are coming
out that integrate with auto task.
Of ConnectWise, et cetera, et cetera.
They're gonna acquire those companies
and then within the next two, three
years, slowly but surely, cause this
is a big undertaking for them, they're
gonna integrate that into the platform.
So that's the prediction
I would throw out there.
But if you want to use these tools
today, right now in anger, y you
know, um, short of moving your entire
business operating system, uh, to a
new platform, you know, it's gonna
be more difficult to integrate it.
Andrew Moon: Dan, Dan
Bair had a couple here.
Just if you guys have added any
experience, get thread.com uses GPT
three and what was the other one?
Crush Bank.
I hadn't heard either one of those two.
Richard Tubb: Yeah.
Crush Banks a really
Scott Riley: love, I
love his, his comment.
It's been doing it since
before all this stuff was cool.
, they definitely have.
Richard Tubb: true.
The Crash Bank was built off,
what was the computer called?
The IBM Super supercomputer
that played chess and.
Against the Grand Watson.
I, I believe it's actually
built off the back of that.
And forgive me if that's not
the case, but poor old Watson, I
dunno if anybody remembers that.
The one of the world's best supercomputers
beat Gary Casper of, or whatever at
chess, uh, but then got relegated
to, um, when you phone up the cinema
and you wanna book a ticket to go
and see Avatar at 3:00 PM it was the
one that actually translated that.
And I'm like, can you imagine this
supercomputer sitting there and doing all
this grunt work that it's really boring?
But yes, crush Bank have really,
uh, grabbed that, um, uh, the Watson
API and enabled it to help MSPs.
So when a ticket comes up, it will
actually say, Hey, based on your
other tickets, you know, here's some
information that might help you resolve.
An an interesting, and you can tell I get
passionate about this, but an interesting
application of some of these AI tools.
Imagine if you are moving from Autotask
to Super Ops or from ConnectWise
to seo, whatever it might be.
You either have to bring across a turn
of old data and that's really difficult
to do to, IM implement it and to
integrate it into your new PSA tool.
You lose it or you use one of these AI
tools, point it at the old information
and then every time you've got a a
ticket come up in your modern tool,
it goes back and goes to all of the
old info and says, here's something
that happened on that machine in that
client side with that person before.
Does it help you in this situation?
So there's some really interesting
sort of archive perspectives to
these AI technologies as well.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, I like that one.
That one's pretty dope.
So the other one that I've heard
Scott Riley: If you think
about like, there's a lot of,
um, , what do they call it?
X extract, transform load, DTL type tools.
And again, if, if we could have AI doing
that kind of stuff to keep up to date
and go, look, I've got something in
this format, I need it in this format.
And, and you can then have
that interoperability of moving
things between platforms.
Um, I also like, like John Harrison's
like giggling in my brain cuz I was
like, was it Watson or was it, and I
was like, is it deep mind, deep blue?
Something like that.
So, I dunno,
Richard Tubb: It was, wasn't it,
Scott Riley: we need to
Richard Tubb: I've just
Scott Riley: T or.
Richard Tubb: together
in one story, haven't I?
Scott Riley: Just Google.
Um, I also liked, uh, OC
Ande, uh, had a great point.
He was talking about, um, you know, to
do this kinda stuff, you can create a,
a massive knowledge base internally.
Um, and where I think that's been,
that's been a really good for MSPs
in, in the past to build, uh, massive
knowledge bases internally based on their
experience and build SOPs around those.
But what I think the chat g p t
gives us the opportunity of is
having a much wider knowledge base.
So if it's got access to the right
information and, and it's, you
know, it's checked in the right way,
Watson was for a Jeopardy game show.
Um, if it's, you know, it, it has.
All the knowledge, you know, essentially
that's, that's been made available,
you know, in, in like the formal
documentation for a vendor or a product.
Everything that's available in
their, you know, their, their tech
documentation, it has access to those.
So when you ask it a question, it has
the chance to, you know, essentially
read a lot of that or summarize a
lot of that and bring it forward.
So I think, you know, we, I, I can see
a bit where we're not gonna have to keep
having these massive knowledge bases
ourselves that were built up from our
own learning, but actually we can tap
into those knowledge bases and maybe
even, you know, someone's going to start
to create the knowledge base, you know,
for IT support for MSPs that then a
chat G P T engine could sit in front of,
and it can be democratized to anybody.
I, I dunno, but I just think there's
such an exciting opportunity here
for it not just to be things that we
built ourselves that we're dependent
on, but access to a wider set.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, Westway.
It had one in there.
Uh, go ahead Richard.
I'm just.
Richard Tubb: So sorry to speak over you.
I was gonna say, going back to what
Pete said, the security implications
though, if you're trying to build that.
Internal knowledge base, which
I think is a brilliant idea.
And you using ai, let's just say you
give it details to your client sites
and you give it like access to your
vendor accounts and things like that.
Holy cow.
That's a lot of information isn't it?
To, to go through essentially, cuz
it's not gonna be stored on your
site, it's gonna be stored on a,
a supercomputer Watson or whatever
and somewhere else, isn't it?
Are you comfortable with a third party
having access to all of that information?
Scott Riley: Oh no, I was thinking,
Pete Matheson: please don't tell
anybody else at the end of your request.
Scott Riley: I, I was busy thinking
like, like the how-tos and what tos
and how to fix and best, you know, best
recovery mechanisms, that kind of thing,
rather than anything sensitive data.
But like, you know, I've, I've
got this problem with this,
this error message has appeared.
What's the best thing?
And just bang, this is the best answer
because we've all had those things where
we've had a technical issue happen.
Whatever it is might be a driver, it
might be something that's not working.
It might be something on the pc.
And like, you'll go through pages
and pages and pages of people's
opinions and tech forums and articles.
Like, I tried this and that.
Nailed it.
It didn't work for me.
I, yeah, that never worked for
me, but I tried this and that,
so, all right, I'll try that now.
That didn't work either.
And you spent hours going down
and eventually you get to the
guy, the bottom of the list and
you go, yeah, that one worked.
Why wasn't that up at the top?
Like that again, that's why I
just think like this is where
this experience might be.
We could have that, you know, this is the
best answer and I know like if you think
of like, um, experts exchange, I have to
say that separately because I think they
needed a hyphen in their name at some
point cuz it was always experts exchange.
Sure, okay.
That's not what I came for.
Um, but like they have such a
vast knowledge base that's been
put together by the community.
Imagine be able to harness that with
the power of chat, G P T and some
intelligence that says, you know, nine
times outta 10 people agreed this was
the best answer that fixed it for them.
So that's the one I'm gonna present
through when you asked me this question.
Andrew Moon: Yeah.
And Westway, it had a, a inter use case
to kind of what you're talking about
there, to write an email to a user
who's exchange mailbox is nearly full.
Give them advice on clearing space
and how they can see storage used.
It's just, that's to me, if I'm an
msp, like that's the first place
I'm starting, which everybody
did, which is personal assistant.
Second place I'm looking is helpdesk.
How do I, how do I automate some
of those low level, like that right
there would take up 10 or 15 minutes
of a text time and multiply that
how many times a week that goes on.
Those could potentially be
tickets that never existed.
Scott Riley: Yeah.
Pete Matheson: security point
Richard Make is a, is a really
interesting one because I mean, I
can, I can just see it happening.
Like when, when are we gonna
hear the first news story of
AI reset my whole business'
passwords and locked everyone out?
Like those kind of things where
it let loose a little bit.
Um, it's, it's always, you know, was it,
what's the saying is, um, uh, security
is the something of, can't remember.
I can't remember what the saying was now.
But basically people just give up
security because of convenience.
Uh, con convenience is
the enemy of security.
That's it.
Because it's been so convenient.
It'll save a lot of time, a lot of
money, potentially hiring each people
that a lot of people are gonna skim
over the fact that it does have a lack
of access to a lot of information.
Um, and we all know how quickly it is.
Oh, we can paint pretty
pictures with faces of us.
Upload all of our information and
now we can get some photos of us.
So it's very, very easy for
people to go and do that.
But it's, um, It's one that I hope
a lot of these vendors that are
looking at, obviously implementing
and bringing in AI into that, that
they're taking very, very seriously.
Cuz it's, it feels like it's the kind
of thing where people will go, here's
our flagship features, let's not worry
about the security stuff just yet.
And, um, you know, it, it
is a, it is a big concern.
It's something to be, um, very aware
of starting to build things into
your, you know, into your ticketing
system, into your R M M client
information documentation there.
There's lots of data that
it could potentially touch.
Andrew Moon: If, if you're an msp,
by the way, listening, if you want an
idea for a seminar, webinar, lunch,
and learn live stream, I would be
jumping all over that right now.
Richard Tubb: I was just
about to add to this, Andrew.
I was gonna say, let's
rewind a little bit there.
There's two, two bits about ai.
Everybody's getting excited about it.
But the four of us especially, and lots of
experts in our industry have been banging
the drum for years about the value of
outsourcing, you know, VAs and things of
that nature, and also, and human beings.
I'm talking about here, not ai.
Um, and, uh, also, uh, the
instructions that you give people.
So I've spoken to some people and
they've said, oh, well, I've worked
with VA's virtual assistants.
It's not worked for me because
I have to end up explaining
everything in great detail to them.
It's no different with ai, really.
If you give AI and you know, a really
basic, simple instruction, it'll give
you a really basic, simple response.
Uh, if you give a VA detailed
instructions, they'll go away
and do a really, really good
job, uh, for you with it.
So I would've said that's the,
the first really important thing.
And secondly, to your point, Andrew,
about MSPs jumping all over this topic.
It's not quite there yet, we know that.
But what do you do?
As an MSP for your clients?
Well, instead of an internal IT team,
which is one or two or however many
people who have sick leave and have
to keep up with their training and all
the costs that go with that, the Ms.
P, you bring a wealth of knowledge, a
wealth experience from across all these
different types of clients, and you
amalgamate it and you give everybody
who works with you the benefit of that.
So there's some sort of analogy in there,
I think Andrew isn't there, where you
can say, look, AI AI's around the corner,
but until it gets here, you are getting a
lot of the benefits of that amalgamated,
uh, approach that universal mind from,
from working with an MSP like ourselves.
Andrew Moon: Yeah.
And I think the secondary topic is what
you guys just talked about with security.
Richard Tubb: Yeah.
Andrew Moon: know, everybody wants
to, you lead the cybersecurity
discussion like this, jump on,
this is the hot topic of the month.
You know, don't, don't, you
know, say AI's not, you know, put
your head in the, it's coming.
Here's what we're doing to help
make sure that you are safe.
Here's some things that you
can do inside your business.
Because we all know how many of the
people inside of our own customers
right now are using chat g pt.
Could they potentially be giving access
to information that they shouldn't,
like from, from every perspective.
That's how you lead that discussion.
Not that we're gonna ignore it
and pretend it didn't exist, but
this is how we're gonna get ahead
of it, how that conversation.
So yeah, great topics for, for
people to be able to get in front of.
Uh, let's see here.
Jason Kemsley, welcome to the show.
He said anyone switched their
everyday tools to AI powered ones.
I switched to you.com a few weeks
ago and I'm starting to see the AI
really learn what I care about eg.
Lots of images and text.
Richard Tubb: a
Andrew Moon: little text
Scott Riley: I, I hadn't heard of you.com,
but it's a, it's an AI search engine.
It's like, you know, an
ai, Google basically.
So you start searching for the stuff
and I guess it gets to know who you
are and, and, and what you're looking.
Andrew Moon: that's
Richard Tubb: I've tried with, uh,
calendar applications and things
before where it'll come in and it'll
automatically understand your calendar
and, and then go back to the person
as, as a real human being and say, Hey,
Richard, can't make that time and date.
Can you do any of these three times?
And that's, you know,
worked reasonably well.
But a at as it stands right now today,
humans, you know, I've got a team
of humans that do that way better.
Um, and that that's the, uh,
competitive differentiator.
Andrew Moon: Oes said he have
AI create content to train a va.
I mean, it is, I mean, because
Scott Riley: if, if you're
writing SOPs, yeah, absolutely.
Andrew Moon: yeah, we all wanna hire
the va, but then we don't know what we,
what they're supposed to do, and then
we wonder why they didn't work out.
So that, yeah.
That's a perfect use case.
Another one he said too is,
customer responses are key.
They can be templated in our psa.
So that was an, that's an interesting
use case I hadn't heard of.
Richard Tubb: Yeah.
Andrew Moon: uh,
Pete Matheson: there's for, um, for
calendar, there's news motion.com.
Oh, sorry, sorry,
Andrew Moon: yeah, that was
the one I was thinking of.
Pete Matheson: Motion Motions one.
I, I haven't signed up for it, but
I looked it in, into it and kind of
thought, oh, that looks interesting.
But I'm not quite sure I want to
give AI control over my calendar cuz
I, I've kind of spent a lot of time
curating and last week I re re-planned
my whole calendar for the week.
But that, that, that looks quite
interesting to kind of know when
you can do calls and when you can do
meetings and all that kind of stuff.
Richard Tubb: Agreed.
It's a little bit like as
MSPs, when we first turn on rm.
Tools, and I'm talking about way back
in the day, but still applicable now.
And it's like, do I really
wanna turn the alerts on?
Cuz then it goes, here's everything
that's wrong in your network all at once.
Andrew Moon: Yeah.
It's Theo, you made a good point too.
He said, we techs have always said that
the adoption of tech will allow us to
spend more time doing things we enjoy.
I'm yet to experience that
after 25 years in the industry.
Is AI really the answer here?
No, I agree.
Scott Riley: It's a,
it's a tool, isn't it?
And, and the thing is, the more that we
get like really cool tools like this,
the more work we find for ourselves.
And so , we always end, we
always end up finding more work
because we've got better tools.
Um, so no, I think definitely
the, it, it's a tool.
Um, it's, uh, like I say, it's not always
right, so still needs the human element
and that whole thing of, of what we do for
our customers is the human element, right?
If we can, if we can use it to offload
some of the boring stuff, some of
the boring activities, some of the
jobs that no one wants to do, um, or
even just crunch data, then I think
that's, that's a great use case for it.
But other than that, you know,
I think it's, it's another tool.
We'll, we'll find a great
way to, to use it, I think.
Um, but we'll probably find
whole new challenges for our.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, I knew I had to
be a character in this Comments too.
Whim says this is an automatically
generated message, so I'm sure
we'll see that at some point.
We'll see.
You know, some automated bots
churn out some YouTube comments as
Scott Riley: Yeah,
Andrew Moon: Uh, yeah, exactly.
Quiet com.
Quietly Confident Tech said the work
will expand to fill the available time.
Scott Riley: always.
That's one of the laws, right?
I forget
Richard Tubb: don't have to look at
Pete Matheson: Parkinson's, Laura, that
Richard Tubb: either.
If we look at, like,
I've got a robot vacuum.
There's a, I've got a, you know,
we've got a great dishwasher in the
house, we've got, you know, ma melon
lawn gets cut by a robot and stuff.
So it's like, great.
All that time that I freed up.
What do you spend with
doing with that time?
Do you spend it creating beautiful works
of art or learning how to speak Japanese?
No, we just created doing
more work with that.
And that has, you know, that's been
the case from like the 1890s all the
way up to the, to the current day.
All of this technology supposed to
free us up to pursue our loves and our
passions and we just fill it with work.
So we spoke a few weeks ago.
It was quite a woowoo top.
It wasn't it, about planning
for, for the future.
Pete, you and I said, we're slowing
right down, doing less stuff.
Scott, you said you wanted to sort of,
um, make yourself, uh, uh, uh, dispensable
within your business and stuff.
What did you say?
Useless within your business,
Scott Riley: yourself useless.
Richard Tubb: but what happens?
Scott Riley: t-shirt.
Richard Tubb: When you've got
the time and then you go, ah,
well what do I do with it?
I'll do a bit more work.
It's not a healthy way to go forward.
So there you go.
I'll get off my soapbox there.
Andrew Moon: No, I'm
Scott Riley: Well, I've just
got a quick one for you on
the security side of things.
So like everyone is worried about AI
and that, you know, phones and devices
are listening to you, and Alexa's
listening to you, but I've gotta say,
Richard, that robot vacuum cleaner has
been gathering dirt on you for years.
Andrew Moon: All right, we got, okay.
Pete Matheson: Oh dear
Andrew Moon: Is it gonna be a comedian?
That that sound like a
Carl puck joke right there.
You need to send that to to Carl.
Richard Tubb: You've got to, yeah.
Andrew Moon: Uh, let's see here.
Oanda said, yep.
I spend the time I gain back by
dedicating more time with the
people I love and making the
difference in the world around me.
Yeah, it's a choice.
Richard Tubb: put.
Andrew Moon: It's a choice.
I'm all about creating holes
in my calendar, as many holes
in my calendar as I can create.
So, yeah.
Uh, yep.
Theo said nice one, Scott.
Richard Tubb: Don't
encourage . Forgive my sakes.
Andrew Moon: Yeah, I know what you, uh, so
Pete's got a jet, so Christopher said, you
have really great discussion, gentlemen.
Lots of great ideas.
Thanks so much running off to
prep for his next engagement.
Again, we're all jealous.
Goodbye from Kingston, Jamaica.
So I don't have my tech tribe music up.
It has got that Jamaica theme to it, so I
would play that as our outro today if I,
if I had been quick enough on the draw.
Whim said.
The key is practicing the skill of
asking much better and deeper questions.
Whether it's ai, our people, ourselves,
so we're getting the right answers
on stuff that actually matters.
So amen.
That's a nice way to end that.
It's a nice way to end this episode.
Lots of great comments today.
Thank you all for hanging
out with us today.
Uh, I, I kind of figured this was gonna
be a, a kind of gang buster topic, uh,
for text, and I think it's, I think I've,
I've got ideas for several follow up shows
that we could possibly do on this as well.
Uh, but if you're gonna take
a marketing idea, steal that.
So, I know Pete's gotta run.
We're gonna go ahead
and ramp the show today.
Um, Oceania has said he's got
one more comment, so we'll
let him drop that in there.
Uh, Pete had to jump out.
Um, but yeah, we appreciate
everybody's, I love the tools.
There was, I knew there was gonna
be a few tools that I wasn't aware
of, finding that e every day.
Uh, yeah.
Make sure to use AI as
generically as possible.
Richard Tubb: Hmm.
Andrew Moon: yeah.
Scott Riley: Interesting.
Richard Tubb: Yeah.
Yeah, that's a good, good view.
Andrew Moon: And LinkedIn
user said, thanks guys.
Really informative.
So unfortunately I'm probably
not connected to whoever
that is, so my apologies that
Richard Tubb: Or maybe
it's a bot called Continuer
Andrew Moon: a LinkedIn ghost
Scott Riley: But yeah, he's
expanding to like no real names or
specific client content, obviously.
Cuz it, it's a great point.
Like earlier I demonstrated that we
just, you know, we could summarize
Pete's entire transcript of a video and
say, Hey, just summarize this for me.
Well, I've uploaded all that
data into an open AI platform.
Now, fortunately, you know,
that's all information that's
widely available on YouTube.
So I've just taken that
transcript and put it on.
But you could be doing that
with internal client documents.
Hey, summarize this proposal for me.
Write, write a better intro
to this executive summary.
And well, there's all
kinds of sensitive data.
So yeah, say ande Brilliant.
Yeah, AB absolutely.
Andrew Moon: Uh, John, I'm gonna go
ahead and compile that list for you.
John said, can you list the
websites mentioned in the show?
I'll, I'll try to compile
those and either put those on
Richard Tubb: Andrew.
I was gonna say, I get asked every
week you say, oh, you mentioned so many
good tools, resources, and that When,
when I do my podcast, I've got a member
of the team does those show notes?
I wonder whether AI could pass our
conversation and say, here's who spoke
about this website, book, or whatever.
I'm, I'm just intrigued.
Maybe we can leave that and then when we
next come back to this topic we can have
a look and see how well that did that.
Cuz I'm sure there's gonna be
a tool out there that can pass
this, this video or audio.
Andrew Moon: I'm gonna try that in.
Um, that's what I use
to transcribe the show.
As soon as I'm done, I dump everything
in there, does all the transcription.
Then I put it up to our podcast episodes.
Uh, yeah, I'll actually see if I can
take that transcription and see if
it'll strip out the websites for me.
. Yeah, great idea.
Save me.
It'll save me.
Uh, you know, 20 minutes,
30 minutes a time.
Richard Tubb: I'm always
thinking of you, mate.
That's the thing, sir.
Andrew Moon: yes.
So thank you so much, man.
I, we had tons of people show up
today, so thank you very much for
all the people that showed up live.
If you're catching this on the podcast,
sorry you didn't get to see Scott's, uh,
AI chat GPTs conversation, so you'll have
to watch that over on YouTube if you're
catching the podcast episode of this.
But we appreciate all of our
fans who tune in every single
week to add to the conversation.
Uh, we absolutely love the
MSB industry, as you can tell.
Much passion, much love.
So if there's any topics you would
like us to cover on a future episode,
please drop those in the comments.
If you're watching us over on YouTube,
please go ahead and like, and subscribe.
We appreciate that and we
will see you all next week.
We won't be here next week, I believe.
Richard Tubb: I'm out on assignments.
We've got very special guest taking my,
Andrew Moon: R exactly.
Robert Gibbons.
We've pulled him out of the
shadows and he has agreed to be
on the show with us next week.
So this will be my first time actually
interacting on camera with Robert.
I have not met Robert yet in person,
uh, but he act, he and I actually have
connected through my other show that I've
been doing since April Fool's Day of 2020.
Uh, but we've become virtual besties,
so I'm looking forward to meeting
him in person and sitting across
the screen from him next week.
Richard Tubb: You are infiltrate
Andrew Moon: lots of good stuff there.
So thank you again, O Ocean.
Uh, first time joining.
Thank you so much for joining us and
we're gonna go ahead and shut down this
show and we will see you all next week.
Richard, we will see you in two weeks.
Take care, be safe.
Talk to you soon.